Fort Wayne, Indiana
Design and Construction Inspection
VS was retained by the Town of Fremont to perform all transportation design, sanitary sewer design, forcemain design, lift station design, environmental design, drainage design, as well as design of other project requirements, and construction inspection. Final project costs were within 1.5% of original estimate. The project was entirely funded through EDA
The project included:
- Design of approximately 9,700 LF of 12-inch and 15-inch gravity sanitary sewer collection line and forcemain
- Lift station design
- New roadway construction of approximately 4700 LF
- Existing roadway reconstruction of nearly 5000 LF
- Roadway reconstruction, widening and new pavement design including right-of-way, signage, lighting and signal design to accommodate increased truck and vehicular traffic
As Prime consultant on this project, VS provided the following engineering services:
- Preliminary Engineering Report (PER)
- Project coordination and management with town officials, regulatory agencies and town residents
- Field survey and investigation
- Compilation of alternatives and analysis of all alternative, including recommendation of preferred alternative to town officials
- Hydraulic/hydrological analysis of existing drainage and design of new drainage patterns and structures, storm sewer, permitting
- Contract Management oversight during construction
- Signage, lighting, traffic signal, pavement, sanitary sewer and structure design
- Preparation of complete contract design plans, construction documents and project specifications